Barbie Doll of the Patio, Pretty in Pink and Green, Perennial-like Annual--that's the Abutilon hybrid "Kristen's Pink" Flowering Maple. It is not really a maple at all, but its leaves resemble maple leaves (loosely resemble maple leaves, to my eye.) If you like hibiscus but don't want to bother moving them in for the winter, then out again in the spring and possibly battling white spider mites in between, this annual's for you.
I bought this one for $2.69 in a 4" pot last spring on the recommendation of a friend who had also never had one but who thought it was so beautiful that we each had to have one. This purchase proved to be a fast grower and a lovely counterpoint to low-growing annuals I use in some of my deck planters. It burst with paper-like pink flowers nearly all summer long. Mine grew to more than two feet tall, although it was rated as a medium height (16" max.) plant. Given plenty of water, it was surprisingly heat tolerant despite its delicate demeanor.
Because I neglected to bring in any cuttings last fall, I'm going to have to look for another one this year. I suspect my friend will buy one, too. We will ooh and aah over our memories of this lovely little gem on the way to the greenhouse. We will both decide to buy at least two.
Kirsten's Pink: Purveyor of Prettiness. Papery but Persistently Blooming. Probably Impossible to Find This Spring.