My sister has done it again--she's given me this wonderful Drinking Gourd Hosta, a plant I've wanted for a long time. I am not a hosta collector, you understand. I don't aspire to having one of every kind, but the Drinking Gourd appeals to me because the name so perfectly describes the cup of the leaf: a perfect name for a beautiful plant. Besides, I believe it is one hosta whose name--at least its common name--I'll be able to remember. As luck would have it, just hours after I planted this lovely hosta a deer was seen lurking only a dozen feet away. Time for the Liquid Fence. And a thank you note to my sister.
Poem of the Week, by Kaylin Haught
8 years ago
1 comment:
It looks like a very statuesque hosta. Congratulations on your good fortune.
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